
Wednesday 20 September 2017

Grandparents Afternoon

Grandparents/Special Person afternoon is an opportunity for the children to share their learning and their school with their wider family and friends. During the afternoon the children made photo frames, shared their school work and visited the Science Exhibition and Butterfly Meadow. They also got to make fairy bread and fruit kebabs which were then shared during a picnic. Thank you to all of those who were able to attend. It was a very special afternoon for all of those involved.

Science Exhibition

We had great fun exploring the Science Exhibition with our buddy class (Room 37). We saw some interesting investigations and experiments and particularly loved the 'hands on' exhibits. To quote one of the kids, "Science is awesome!"

Saturday 9 September 2017

Junior Cross Country

Despite concerns about a wet course, the weather was perfect for the Junior Cross Country.  Thankfully, there was not too much mud or many tumbles. Well done to all of the children for their behaviour during the morning. They were all very patient waiting for their events and were encouraging of other runners.  It was fantastic to see all of the children trying their best and participating in such a fun event. 

Athletics Day 2017

What an awesome day in the sun today. All of the children gave 100% and thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities. Thank you to those of you ...